Selected Bibliography


E D I Tori Al (2016) California ’ s Nifty Idea on Immigrant Health Care, p. 18-19

Thousands Of, Undocumented Kids, Can Now, Enroll In, Health Care (2016) ThinkProgress, p. 5-9

John Bohannon (2016) Mission possible: Rewriting the genetic code, Science 353(6301), p. 739 LP - 739, url, doi:10.1126/science.353.6301.739

(2016) Opinion 2 . 12 ‐ Genetic Counseling 1992(June 1983), p. 2016

F. Gekas, J., Langlois, S., Ravitsky, V., Audibert, F., Van den Berg, D.G., Haidar, H. & Rousseau (2016) Non-invasive prenatal testing for fetal chromosome abnormalities : review of clinical and ethical issues 9, p. 15-26, doi:10.2147/TACG.S85361

Of Off (2016) Review of the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Monitoring of Contract Prisons, pdf

S S Uwlfoh, R U Dgglwlrqdo, Lqirupdwlrq Derxw, Wklv Duwlfoh (2016) 0rylqj %lrhwklfv 7rzdug ,wv %hwwhu 6hoi d vrflrorjlvw·v shuvshfwlyh

Meika Ellis, Timothy Caulfield, Jeremy De Beer, Li Du, Blake Murdoch, Vardit Ravitsky (2016) Background Paper : Intellectual Property and Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing in Canada

Elena Byhoff, John A. Harris, Kenneth M. Langa, Theodore J. Iwashyna (2016) Racial and Ethnic Differences in End-of-Life Medicare Expenditures, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, url, doi:10.1111/jgs.14263

(2016) Church, George M., and Regis, Ed. Regenesis : How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves. Boulder, US: Basic Books, 2014. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 25 August 2016. Copyright © 2014. Basic Books. All rights reserved.(August)

(2016) Church, George M., and Regis, Ed. Regenesis : How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves. Boulder, US: Basic Books, 2014. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 25 August 2016. Copyright © 2014. Basic Books. All rights reserved.(August)

Faye Hipsman, Bárbara Gómez-aguiñaga, Randy Capps (2016) DACA at Four: Participation in the Deferred Action Program and Impacts on Recipients(August)

The World Bank (2016) Migration and Remittances: Recent Developments and Outlook, Migration and Development Brief April(26), url, doi:10.1080/17441730.2013.785721

R. Raghavan (2016) New Opportunities for Funding Dialysis-Dependent Undocumented Individuals, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology(5), p. 1-6, url, doi:10.2215/CJN.03680316

2015 (2015) Health coverage for immigrants, p. 1-2, url

Jie Zong, Jeanne Batalova (2015) Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States, Migration Policy Institute, p. 1-55

Patricia Illingworth, Wendy E. Parmet (2015) The right to health: Why it should apply to immigrants, Public Health Ethics 8(2), p. 148-161, doi:10.1093/phe/phv007

Leah Zallman, Fernando a Wilson, James P Stimpson, Adriana Bearse, Lisa Arsenault, Blessing Dube, David Himmelstein, Steffie Woolhandler (2015) Unauthorized Immigrants Prolong the Life of Medicare's Trust Fund., Journal of general internal medicine, pubmed, doi:10.1007/s11606-015-3418-z

Tiffany D Joseph (2015) What Health Care Reform Means for Immigrants: Comparing the Affordable Care Act and Massachusetts Health Reforms., Journal of health politics, policy and law 41(1), pubmed, doi:10.1215/03616878-3445632

Thu Oct, Heinonline Pdf (2015) + (,1 2 1/,1( 1


Claudine Parent (2014) Enfances Familles Générations 20

Jim Dwyer (2014) A 12-Year-Old’s Trek of Despair Ends in a Noose at the Border, The New York Times, url

Rebecca Howland, Vishaal Pegany, Carolina Coleman, John Connolly (2014) Remaining Uninsured: Hospital Financing Reforms 78(94), pdf

(2014) Granada Declaration(14), pdf

W Tarraf, W Vega, H M Gonzalez (2014) Emergency Department Services Use Among Immigrant and Non-immigrant Groups in the United States, J Immigr Minor Health 16(4), p. 595-606, doi:10.1007/s10903-013-9802-z

Kari White, Justin Blackburn, Bryn Manzella, Elisabeth Welty, Nir Menachemi (2014) Changes in use of county public health services following implementation of Alabama's immigration law., Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 25(4), p. 1844-52, pubmed, doi:10.1353/hpu.2014.0194

Araceli Martinez Ortega (2014) Stay or Go? Terminally Ill Undocumented Immigrants Face Dilemma, New America Media, url

Vanessa Grubbs (2014) Undocumented immigrants and kidney transplant: costs and controversy., Health affairs (Project Hope) 33(2), p. 332-5, pubmed, doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2013.0462

Emanuela P Leaf (2014) Should legal status determine your end of life care?, Tribunact, url

J P Stimpson, F A Wilson, L Zallman (2014) ED visits and spending by unauthorized immigrants compared with legal immigrants and US natives, Am J Emerg Med 32(6), p. 679-680, doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2014.03.018

W Tarraf, W Vega, H M Gonzalez (2014) Emergency Department Services Use Among Immigrant and Non-immigrant Groups in the United States, J Immigr Minor Health 16(4), p. 595-606, doi:10.1007/s10903-013-9802-z

(2014) How the Affordable Care Act Impacts Immigrant and Migrant Populations in California, pdf

Rebecca Howland, Vishaal Pegany, Carolina Coleman, John Connolly (2014) Remaining Uninsured: Executive Summary(February 2014), pdf

Sarah Reyes (2014) Fresno: Denying Health Care to the Most Vulnerable, The California Endowment, url

N Pourat, S P Wallace, M W Hadler, N Ponce (2014) Assessing health care services used by California's undocumented immigrant population in 2010, Health Aff (Millwood) 33(5), p. 840-847, doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2013.0615

Rebecca Howland, Vishaal Pegany, Carolina Coleman, John Connolly (2014) Remaining Uninsured: A Population Profile(February), pdf

Courtenay R Bruce, Mary A Majumder (2014) The “Permanent” Patient Problem, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 42(1), p. 88-92

Jessica Lavariega Monforti, Renee Ann Cramer (2014) Guarding Our Borders with Gardasil: Immigrant Women and Physical Autonomy, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 35(1), p. 1-30, url, doi:10.1080/1554477X.2014.863695

By Nadereh Pourat, Steven P Wallace, Max W Hadler, Ninez Ponce (2014) Assessing Health Care Services Used By California’s Undocumented Immigrant Population In 2010, Health Affairs 33(5), p. 840-847

Russell B Toomey, Adriana J Umaña-Taylor, David R Williams, Elizabeth Harvey-Mendoza, Laudan B Jahromi, Kimberly a Updegraff (2014) Impact of Arizona's SB 1070 immigration law on utilization of health care and public assistance among Mexican-origin adolescent mothers and their mother figures., American journal of public health 104 Suppl , p. S28-34, pubmed central, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301655

Rebecca Howland, Vishaal Pegany, Carolina Coleman, John Connolly (2014) Remaining Uninsured: Programs, Funding, and Reforms(February), pdf

Julie Stewart, Ken Jameson () Driving in a new immigrant destination: migrant rights and state-level policy, p. 1-38


By Laurel Lucia, Ken Jacobs, Dave Graham-squire, Greg Watson, Dylan H Roby, Nadereh Pourat, Gerald F Kominski (2014) A Little Investment Goes a Long Way: Modest Cost to Expand Preventive and Routine Health Services to All Low-Income Californians(May), pdf

Davide Torzilli, Kees Wouters, Paula Barrachina Esteban, Tina Hinh, Haris Farhad, Preeta Law, Monika Sandvik-nylund, Luca Guanziroli, Juan Carlos Murillo, Jose Sieber Luz, Rebeca Cenalmor-rejas (2014) Unaccompanied Children Leaving Cnetral America and Mexico and the Need for International Protection, pdf

J P Stimpson, F A Wilson, L Zallman (2014) ED visits and spending by unauthorized immigrants compared with legal immigrants and US natives, Am J Emerg Med 32(6), p. 679-680, doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2014.03.018


Leah Zallman, Steffie Woolhandler, David Himmelstein, David Bor, Danny McCormick (2013) Immigrants contributed an estimated $115.2 billion more to the medicare trust fund than they took out in 2002-09, Health Affairs 32(6), p. 1153-1160, doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2012.1223

Nancy Berlinger, Gusmano (2013) "Undocumented Doctors" and the Health of the Dreamers, Bioethics Forum, watch on youtube [expand]

C Z Maldonado, R M Rodriguez, J R Torres, Y S Flores, L M Lovato (2013) Fear of discovery among Latino immigrants presenting to the emergency department, Acad Emerg Med 20(2), p. 155-161, doi:10.1111/acem.12079

Mark Kuczewski, Patricia Cassidy (2013) Our Immigrant Neighbors, Catholic Health Care, and the New World of Health Care Reform, url

Linda Greenhouse (2013) Driver’s Seat, The New York Times, p. 15-17, url

Kirk Semple (2013) Advocates Struggle to Reach Immigrants Eligible for Deferred Action, The New York Times, url

Philip Kasinitz, John H Mollenkopf, Mary C Waters (2013) The Next Generation Emerges, One Out of Three: Immigrant New York in the Twenty-First Century, Nancy Foner (ed.), p. 267-281, New York: Columbia University Press

Michael K. Gusmano, Daniel Weisz, Victor G. Rodwin, Jonas Lang, Quian Meng, Aurelie Bocquier, Veronique Moysan, Pierre Verger (2013) Disparities in access to health care in three French regions, Health Policy, Elsevier Ireland Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2013.07.011

Jody Heymann, Adèle Cassola, Amy Raub, Lipi Mishra (2013) Constitutional rights to health, public health and medical care: The status of health protections in 191 countries., Global public health(July 2013), p. 37-41, pubmed, doi:10.1080/17441692.2013.810765

Nancy Berlinger, Rajeev Raghavan (2013) The Ethics of Advocacy for Undocumented Patients, The Hastings Center Report 43(1), p. 14-17, url, doi:10.1002/hast.126

Jim P Stimpson, Fernando A Wilson, Dejun Su (2013) Unauthorized Immigrants Spend Less Than Other Immigrants And US Natives On Health Care, Health Affairs 32(7), p. 1313-1318

(2013) Health Coverage for the Hispanic Population Today and Under the Affordable Care Act, url

(2013) FACT SHEET: Fixing our Broken Immigration System so Everyone Plays by the Rules, Office of the Press Secretary, p. 1-4, url

(2013) Characteristics of the City's Foreign-born Population The City of New York

Jenny Gold (2013) Health Exchange Outreach Targets Latinos, NPR, url

Rebecca Burns (2013) Undocumented Immigrants Win Access to Organ Transplant Waitlists, and a Shot at Life, In These Times, url

(2013) Interactive: A State-by-State Look at How the Uninsured Fare Under the ACA, Kaiser Family Foundation, url

Pierre Chauvin, Nathalie Simonnot, Frank Vanbiervliet (2013) Access to Healthcare in europe in times of crisis and rising xenophobia

Eric Posner (2013) There's No Such Thing as an Illegal Immigrant, Slate, p. 2011-2013, url

(2013) Providing care for immigrant, migrant, and border children, Pediatrics 131(6), p. e2028-34, doi:10.1542/peds.2013-1099

Jonathan H Marks (2013) The Undocumented Unwell, The Hastings Center report 43(1), p. 10-11, pubmed, doi:10.1002/hast.124

Mirela Iverac (2013) Hospitals Treating Immigrants Here Illegally Worry About Upcoming Cuts, WNYC News, url

Ted Genoways (2013) This Land Is Not Your Land, Harper's Magazine(February), p. 1-15, url

Mae M Ngai (2013) Reforming Immigration for Good, The New York Times, p. 29-31, url

Sarah Varney (2013) As ‘ Bodega Clinicas ’ Fill Void , Health Officials Are Torn, New York Times, p. 12-15, url

(2013) Migration and Development Brief, p. 1-11, url

Charles E. Schumer, John McCain, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Robert Menendez, Marco Rubio, Michael Bennet, Jeff Flake (2013) Bipartisan Framework for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, pdf

Mirela Iverac (2013) Hospitals Treating Immigrants Here Illegally Worry About Upcoming Cuts, WNYC News, url

Elise Viebeck (2013) Immigration reform could add millions of people under Obama health law, The Hill, p. 1-3, url

Karen E Schoenherr, Aricca D Van Citters, Kathleen L. Carluzzo, Savannah Bergquist, Elliott S Fisher, Valerie A Lewis (2013) Case Study Establishing a Coalition to Pursue Accountable Care in the Safety Net: A Case Study of the FQHC Urban 28(October)

Jennifer Van Hook, Nancy S Landale, Marianne M Hillemeier (2013) Is the United States Bad for Children's Health?: Risk and Relience Among Young Children of Immigrants, Migration Policy Institute2

(2013) Fixing Immigration From the Ground Up, New York Times, url

(2013) A Quick Guide to Immigrant Eligibility for ACA and Key Federal Means-tested Programs, url

Jonathan Cohn (2013) Amnesty's Not Enough: Will the Pathway to Citizenship Lead Towards Health Insurance?, New Republic, url

Mark Kuczewski, D Ph, Trisha Cassidy (2013) Health Care for Our Immigrant Neighbors: The Need for Justice and Hospitality, Health Care Ethics USA 21(3), p. 8-16

Mark G Kuczewski, Linda Brubaker (2013) Medical Education as Mission: Why One Medical School Chose to Accept DREAMers., The Hastings Center report 43(6), p. 21-4, pubmed, doi:10.1002/hast.230

(2013) Boarder Security, Ecoomic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, url

Sabrina Tavernise (2013) The Health Toll of Immigration, The New York Times, url

Jeffrey S. Passel, D’Vera Cohn, Ana Gonzalez-Barrera (2013) Population Decline of Unauthorized Immigrants Stalls, May Have Reversed, url

(2013) NCLR Talking Points: Social Security Access in Immigration Reform, p. 1-2, National Council of La Raza

(2013) Extending LIHPs to Provide a Medical Home for the Remaining Uninsured

Ewout Van Ginneken, Bradford H Gray (2013) Coverage for Undocumented Migrants Becomes More Urgent, Annals of internal medicine 158(5), p. 347-349

Mark Hugo Lopez, Ana Gonzalez-Barrera (2013) Latinos’ Views of Illegal Immigration’s Impact on Their Community Improve, url

Andrea Caumont (2013) Unauthorized Immigration, url

(2013) State Estimates of the Low-income Uninsured Not Eligible for the ACA Medicaid Expansion(March), p. 1-6, url

Steven P Wallace, Jacqueline M Torres, Tabashir Z Nobari, Nadereh Pourat (2013) Undocumented and Uninsured Barriers to Affordable care for immigrant Populations(August), url

Lawrence Downes (2013) No More ‘Illegal Immigrants’, New York Times, url

Ryder Diaz (2013) Undocumented Immigrants Left Out of Health Reform, The California Report, 26-28: The California Report, url

Arun Peter Lobo, Joseph J Salvo (2013) A Potrait of New York's Immigrant Melange, One Out of Three: Immigrant New York in the Twenty-First Century2, Nancy Foner (ed.), p. 35-63, New York: Columbia University Press

Nancy Foner (ed.) (2013) One Out of Three: Immigrant New York in the Twenty-Frist Century, New York: Columbia University Press

C Z Maldonado, R M Rodriguez, J R Torres, Y S Flores, L M Lovato (2013) Fear of discovery among Latino immigrants presenting to the emergency department, Acad Emerg Med 20(2), p. 155-161, doi:10.1111/acem.12079

Julia Preston (2013) Ailing Midwestern Cities Extend a Welcoming Hand to Immigrants, New York Times, url

Inter Press Service (2013) Health Care for Immigrants Crumbling in Spain, p. 1-2

N Berlinger, R Raghavan (2013) The ethics of advocacy for undocumented patients, Hastings Cent Rep 43(1), p. 14-17, doi:10.1002/hast.126

Steven Greenhouse (2013) The Workers Defense Project, a Union in Spirit, New York Times, url

Kinsey Hasstedt (2013) Toward Equity and Access: Removing Legal Barriers To Health Insurance Coverage for Immigrants, Guttmacher Policy Review 16(1), p. 2-8, url

Elk Grove Village (2013) Providing care for immigrant, migrant, and border children., Pediatrics 131(6), p. e2028-34, pubmed, doi:10.1542/peds.2013-1099

(2013) Continuing California's Commitment to the Remaining Uninsured, pdf

Michael K Gusmano, Nancy Berlinger (2013) Undocumented Immigrants and Child Health, Communities and Banking 24(3), p. 14-15

Kim Severson (2013) North Carolina to Give Some Immigrants Driver's Licenses , With a Pink Stripe, New York Times, p. 6-8, url

Wendy E Parmet (2013) Holes in the Safety Net — Legal Immigrants’ Access to Health Insurance, New England Journal of Medicine, p. 1-3

N Berlinger, R Raghavan (2013) The ethics of advocacy for undocumented patients, Hastings Cent Rep 43(1), p. 14-17, doi:10.1002/hast.126

Julie Stewart, Kenneth P. Jameson (2013) Interests Aren’t Everything: An Exploration of Economic Explanations of Immigration Policy in a New Destination, International Migration 51(4), p. 33-52, url, doi:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2012.00765.x

Benjamin D Sommers (2013) Stuck between Health and Immigration Reform - Care for Undocumented Immigrants, New England Journal of Medicine, p. 1-3

Kimber Solana (2013) Illegal Immigrants Give Billions to Medicare, Social Security With No Hope to Benefit, Medicare Newsgroup, url

Stephen C Gross (2013) Social security, p. 8-10

Jefferey S Passel, D'vera Cohn, Gonzalez-Barrera Ana (2013) Population Decline of Unauthorized Immigrants Stalls, May Have Reversed, url

(2013) Medicaid and the Uninsured, pdf

Phil Galewitz (2013) How Undocumented Immigrants Sometimes Receive Medicaid Treatment, PBS, url

(2013) A Nation of Immigrants, url


Heather M. Creek, Stephen Yoder (2012) With a Little Help from Our Feds: Understanding State Immigration Enforcement Policy Adoption in American Federalism, Policy Studies Journal 40(4), p. 674-697, url, doi:10.1111/j.1541-0072.2012.00469.x

Philipa Mladovsky, David Ingleby, Martin McKee, Bernd Rechel (2012) good practices in migrant health: the European experience Main title, Clinical Medicine 12(3), p. 248-252

(2012) Executive Summary and Recommendations

World Economic Forum (2012) What If Rich Countries Shut the Door on Immigration ?, p. 1-2, url

Stéphanie. Larchanché (2012) Intangible obstacles: Health implications of stigmatization, structural violence, and fear among undocumented immigrants in France., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 858-863

(2012) Fast Facts : Immigrants and Health Care(January)

(2012) Section 1011: Federal Reimbursement of Emergency Health Services Furnished to Undocumented Aliens, Health Care(1), Department of Health and Human Services, pdf

Helen B Marrow (2012) Deserving to a point: unauthorized immigrants in San Francisco's universal access healthcare model., Social science & medicine (1982) 74(6), p. 846-54, Elsevier Ltd, pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.08.001

Carin Björngren Cuadra (2012) Right of access to health care for undocumented migrants in EU: a comparative study of national policies., European Journal of Public Health 22(2), p. 267-71, pubmed, doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckr049

Linda Burnham, Nik Thedore (2012) Home Economics: The Invisible and Unregulated World of Domestic Work

Tony Delamothe (2012) Migrant Healthcare: Public Health versus Politics, British Medical Journal 344, p. e924-e924, url, doi:10.1136/bmj.e924

Joseph H Carens (2012) Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders, Review of Politics 49(2), p. 251-273

Patricia Fernandez-Kelly, Alejandro Portes, eds. (2012) Health care and immigration - understanding the connections, Ethnic and Racial Studies Special Issue: Health Care and Immigration- Understanding the Connections 35(1)

James Quesada (2012) Commentary: Illegalization and Embodied Vulnerability in Health., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 894-896

Nina Bernstein (2012) Hospitals Fear Cuts in Aid for Care to Illegal Immigrants, The New York Times, url

(2012) Commentary: ‘Deservingness’ and the Politics of Health., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 855-857

A Vargas Bustamante, H Fang, J Garza, O Carter-Pokras, S P Wallace, J A Rizzo, A N Ortega (2012) Variations in healthcare access and utilization among Mexican immigrants: the role of documentation status, J Immigr Minor Health 14(1), p. 146-155, doi:10.1007/s10903-010-9406-9

() Dropbox


Kathryn Goldade, Kolawole S. Okuyemi (2012) Deservingness to State Health Services for South-South Migrants: A Preliminary Study of Costa Rican Providers’ Views., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 882-886

Lisa J Hardy, Christina M Getrich, Julio C Quezada, Amanda Guay, Raymond J Michalowski, Eric Henley (2012) A call for further research on the impact of state-level immigration policies on public health., American journal of public health 102(7), p. 1250-3, pubmed, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300541

Anahí Viladrich (2012) Beyond welfare reform: reframing undocumented immigrants’ entitlement to health care in the United States., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 822-829

Michael K Gusmano (2012) Undocumented Immigrants in the United States: Use of Health Care, url

Robert H Mclaughlin (2012) Criteria for Medical Repatriation and the Context of Inadequate Access to Care, American Journal of Bioethics 12(10), p. 14-16

Rajeev Raghavan (2012) When Access to Chronic Dialysis is Limited: One Center's Approach to Emergent Hemodialysis., Seminars in dialysis(6), pubmed, doi:10.1111/j.1525-139X.2012.01066.x

Ellena A Linden, Jeannette Cano, George N Coritsidis (2012) Kidney transplantation in undocumented immigrants with ESRD: a policy whose time has come?, American journal of kidney diseases 60(3), p. 354-359, Elsevier Inc., pubmed, doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2012.05.016

Julie Stewart (2012) Fiction Over Facts: How Competing Narrative Forms Explain Policy in a New Immigration Destination1, Sociological Forum 27(3), p. 591-616, url, doi:10.1111/j.1573-7861.2012.01337.x

A Vargas Bustamante, H Fang, J Garza, O Carter-Pokras, S P Wallace, J A Rizzo, A N Ortega (2012) Variations in healthcare access and utilization among Mexican immigrants: the role of documentation status, J Immigr Minor Health 14(1), p. 146-155, doi:10.1007/s10903-010-9406-9

Ming Wen, Thomas N Maloney (2012) Latino Residential Isolation and the Risk of Obesity in Utah: The Role of Neighborhood Socioeconomic, Built-Environmental, and Subcultural Context, Journal of Immigrant Minority Health 13(6), p. 1134-1141, doi:10.1007/s10903-011-9439-8.Latino

(2012) APA Initiatives on Immigration Related Issues, url

James O. Breen (2012) Lost in Translation — ¿ Cómo se dice , “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”?, New England Journal of Medicine, url, doi:10.1056/NEJMp1202039

Verina Wild (2012) Migration and Health: Discovering New Territory for Bioethics Migration and Health, American Journal of Bioethics 12(10), p. 11-13

Edna a Viruell-Fuentes, Patricia Y Miranda, Sawsan Abdulrahim (2012) More than culture: structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health., Social science & medicine (1982) 75(12), p. 2099-106, Elsevier Ltd, pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.12.037

Kor Grit, Joost J den Otter, Anneke Spreij (2012) Access to Health Care for Undocumented Migrants: A Comparative Policy Analysis of England and the Netherlands, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 37(1), p. 37-67, pubmed, doi:10.1215/03616878-1496011

(2012) The Clinical Gaze in the Practice of Migrant Health: A Qualitative Study of Interactions and Barriers Between Medical Professionals and Unauthorized Mexican Migrants in the United States., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 873-881

Jessamy Taylor (2012) Issue Brief No. 848 - Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes: FQHCs and Community Clinics in a Reformed Health Care Market, National Health Policy Forum(848), pdf

(2012) Making the Affordable Care Act Work for Immigrants in California, p. 1-6

Heide Castaneda (2012) “Over-Foreignization” or “Unused Potential”? A Critical Review of Migrant Health in Germany and Responses toward Unauthorized Migration., Social Science & Medicine 74(6), p. 887-893

Rosana Trivino (2012) Conscientious Objection and Undocumented Migrants in Spain, Bioethics Forum, url

David C Warner (2012) Access to health services for immigrants in the USA: from the Great Society to a 2010 Health Reform Act and after, Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(1), p. 37-41

Sam Roberts (2012) Nowhere to Go, Patients Linger in Hospitals, at a High Cost, The New York Times, url

Jacob M Appel (2012) Entanglement in Repatriation Does Not Justify Hospital Entanglement in Nonmedical Matters, American Journal of Bioethicsl 12(10), p. 9-11

Department of Health and Human Services (2012) Emergency Clearance: Public Information Collection Requirements Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget, pdf

Juliet T Chandler, Ruth E Malone, Lisa M Thompson, Roberta S Rehm (2012) "No Me Ponían Mucha Importancia": Care-Seeking Experiences of Undocumented Mexican Immigrant Women With Chronic Illness., Advances in Nursing Science 35(2), p. E24-E36, pubmed, doi:10.1097/ANS.0b013e31825373fe

Samantha et al. Huffman (2012) Exploitation, vulnerability to tuberculosis and access to treatment among Uzbek labor migrants in Kazakhstan., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 864-872

Nicholas Oakley, Tom Sorell (2012) Medical Repatriation : The Need for a Bigger Picture, American Journal of Bioethics 12(9), p. 10-12

a. Garcia Rada (2012) Spanish doctors protest against law that excludes immigrants from public healthcare, Bmj 345(aug23 2), p. e5716-e5716, url, doi:10.1136/bmj.e5716

Sarah S Willen (2012) Migration, "illegality," and health: mapping embodied vulnerability and debating health-related deservingness., Social science & medicine (1982) 74(6), p. 805-11, pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.10.041

Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest, Ariel Kalil (2012) Health and Medical Care among the Children of Immigrants, Child Development 83(5), p. 1494-1500, url, doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2012.01795.x

Kenneth P Jameson (2012) A successful experience of immigration: evidence from utah, Journal of Community Positive Practices 4, p. 601-616

Leo R Chavez (2012) Undocumented immigrants and their use of medical services in Orange County, California., Social science & medicine (1982) 74(6), p. 887-93, Elsevier Ltd, pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.05.023

Paul (Editor) Taylor (2012) The Rise of Asian Americans(202), pdf

Arturo Vargas Bustamante, Hai Fang, Jeremiah Garza, Olivia Carter-Pokras, Steven P Wallace, John a Rizzo, Alexander N Ortega (2012) Variations in Healthcare Access and Utilization among Mexican Immigrants: The Role of Documentation Status, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 14(1), p. 146-55, pubmed, doi:10.1007/s10903-010-9406-9

Leo R Chavez (2012) Undocumented immigrants and their use of medical services in Orange County, California., Social science & medicine Special Issue: Migration, "Illegality," and Health: Mapping Embodied Vulnerability and Debating Health-Related Deservingness 74(6), p. 887-93, Elsevier Ltd, pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.05.023

Kate Snow, Janet Klein, Dustin Stephens (2012) “Health Care Laws Leave Hospitals Overwhelmed by ‘Permanent Patients, Rock Center

Carolyn Sargent (2012) Special issue part I: 'Deservingness' and the politics of health care., Social science & medicine (1982) 74(6), p. 855-7, Elsevier Ltd, pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.10.044

Arturo Vargas Bustamante, Miriam Laugesen, Mabel Caban, Pauline Rosenau (2012) United States-Mexico cross-border health insurance initiatives: Salud Migrante and Medicare in Mexico., Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American journal of public health 31(1), p. 74-80, pubmed

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